
Donnerstag, 8. Dezember 2016

When Saturday Comes, 357


When Saturday Comes
The Half Decent Football Magazine
Issue 357, November 2016
46 S.

Heißes Thema der November-Ausgabe ist der hochkante Rauswurf von Sam Allardyce als englischer Teamchef. WSC legt dabei den Fokus darauf, dass dies nicht ein Einzelproblem wäre: “Football culture is essentially corrupt, with players and managers seeing the extra earner as the norm” urteilt Steve Davies hart.
Diskutiert wird im Heft dazu auch die Rolle und Position von Spieleragenten. Marc Weber vermisst klare Verhaltensregeln für Vereinsmanager (Trainer/Sportdirektoren): “Players are given guidelines about what they can bet on in football, so they have no excuses if they break those rules. But managers are left to their own devices in general. Some may seek clarification with their club before engaging in activities that lead to the 'entrapment' these journalists have been accused of. But others may not have the time or desire because they are too busy trying to keep their jobs. Managers and coaches will continue to fall foul of such stings unless rigid processes are put in place to show them what the rules should be.”

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